Parent Relocation Involves Reconstructing Your Parenting Plan


In North America, according to Psychology Today, 16 percent of Americans move within a given 12-month period, with 43 percent of them relocating to another city. The statistics include a significant number of divorced parents with children. Our staff at Frost & Beck PC knows that if you are a divorced parent in Colorado, a relocation will require adjustments to the parenting plan you created with your former partner.

You may wish to move because another location offers a better employment opportunity, or because you wish to have the support of extended family. Whatever your motivation, Colorado law requires that you must provide written notice to the other parent that includes the following points:

  • Intent to relocate to a place outside of the immediate geographic area

  • Location of the new residence

  • Reason for the move

  • Proposal for a new parenting plan

Relocation can be a complex and emotional issue for you, the other parent, and your children. The parent who stays behind may be concerned that he or she may no longer have ample time with the child. In addition, he or she may protest that the move is not in the child’s best interest. It is important that you try to reconstruct a plan that sufficiently meets your needs and the other parent’s needs while prioritizing your child’s well-being.

The revised parenting plan will likely have to consider new ways to foster your child’s relationship with the other parent. Creativity and flexibility may be required to successfully rewrite and implement a new plan that supports important family ties. To learn more about issues for divorced parents, please visit our page.

Tags: Child Custody

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