The Rate of Divorce in the U.S. Reaches New Low


When residents of Colorado go through a divorce, they may find themselves wondering how they compare to the rest of the married couples across the country. For the last few years, the rate of divorce has actually been on the decline, and in 2015 reached its lowest level in 35 years, reports Bloomberg. Meanwhile, the number of marriages is actually on the rise after decades of decline.

No one factor is responsible for this drop in the number of divorces. More likely, a number of different reasons have contributed. For instance, people, in general, are getting married at an older age these days so there are fewer marriages than there were in the past. Many of those marriages may end up in divorce at some point in the future but in the meantime, may be driving the divorce rate down. And while the overall divorce rate is down for some segments of the population, it is actually rising for older generations.

In addition, TIME Magazine points out that many couples are choosing cohabitation over marriage. Marriage is not necessarily seen as the stabilizing force it once was and there is very little stigma attached to living one’s significant other.

Finally, whether couples stay married or get divorced can also depend on geographical and socioeconomic factors as well. For instance, divorce rates vary greatly among the states. The level of a person’s education and how much income they earn can also play a role in determining whether his or her marriage is likely to end in divorce.

Tags: Divorce

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