How Divorcing Parents Can Make Life Easier on Themselves


Indeed, the process of divorce can seem like the worst time of your life. Not only has your marriage not worked out, you may feel like a colossal failure and you may hate your soon-to-be ex-spouse for not putting more energy into the relationship, especially if you are parents. This may lead to a strong sense of animosity and bitterness, but you cannot let it ruin your life.

Of course, this may be easier said than done. We understand this and offer a few tips to help divorcing parents.

Focus on being good co-parents – This is especially important for marriages that imploded because the parties could not cooperate and find common ground. Kids need two parents, regardless of what you may think about the other parent and his or her parenting skills.

Leave the anger behind – Kids will forever love the song “Let it Go” from “Frozen” because of the catchy tune, but adults can use it as a motivational song. Leaving the bitterness and hatred behind and focusing on being good parents ultimately helps children the most.

Avoid the temptation to seek revenge – If your soon-to-be-ex wronged you during the marriage, chances are that you want to return the favor. However, two wrongs don’t make a right, and seeking revenge does not help in resolving parenting time disputes.

Don’t manipulate the kids – This is especially important when sensitive issues are involved, such as substance abuse or mental health problems lead to parenting time concerns. Kids deserve to hear the truth, but they coerced into thinking a certain way about a parent.

If you have additional questions about dealing with divorce or contested child custody matters, an experienced attorney can advise you. 

Tags: Child Custody

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