In Unique Case, Judge Grants Three-Way Child Custody


When a couple in Denver divorces, deciding who will retain custody of a child is often a heated aspect of the split. Ideally, parents should work together to do what is best for the child so that he or she can lead a happy and healthy life. Sometimes this involves one person solely taking over parenting duties and sometimes it involves splitting parenting responsibilities between the parties.

One recent case in New York has made headlines after a court granted custody of a child to three different people. The judge indicated that the decision was based on the well-being of the child. The boy’s biological mother, non-biological mother, and biological father all now share custody of the child.

It all began when a married couple who struggled to conceive began an intimate relationship with their neighbor. The neighbor became pregnant and the three of them intended to raise the child together as a family. However, after the child was born, the two women embarked on a relationship that was only between the two of them, and the married couple later divorced. Although the one woman was not one of the child’s biological parents, the boy considered her one of his mothers.

Not all relationships fit the conventional mold of what a family looks like and this case shows that courts are willing to accept unique situations when it is in a child’s best interest to do so. People who are dealing with child custody issues may wish to contact an experienced attorney.

Source: CNN, “Judge gives custody of child to 1 dad and 2 moms,” Sarah Jorgensen and Ellie Kaufman, March 14, 2017

Tags: Child Custody

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