We Assist Clients With Their Child Custody and Visitation Needs


Raising a child is not always easy, but it is an act of the unconditional love a parent in Colorado has for their child. Parents want their children to grow up in a happy and healthy environment. Therefore, should the parents of a child divorce, they may have many questions about their rights to have access to their child so they can maintain a bond with them.

In Colorado, when parents divorce or if they were not married and subsequently break up, a child custody schedule will need to be created. Sometimes, parents are able to work out child custody and visitation schedules on their own, but, other times, they need to turn to the court to make these important decisions.

When a court makes decisions regarding child custody and visitation, the primary standard it will use is the best interests of the child. In addition, the court may take into account each parent's preference regarding child custody and visitation. Whether the parents are able to cooperate with one another in an effort to raise their child in a healthy manner will also be considered. How close the parents live to each other may also be considered. The personal situation of both parents may also be taken into account. Finally, the court may consider the extent to which each parent is able and willing to put the child's needs first.

At our firm, we understand how important it is for child custody and visitation schedules to be fair both to the child and to the child's parents. We have assisted parents in their efforts to establish parenting plans that are as specific and clear as is necessary. Also, we have assisted parents who have sought to modify a parenting plan if their circumstances have changed. Our webpage on child custody and parenting plans in Colorado may be informative to those who are facing such issues and want more information.

Tags: Child Custody

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