Helping Create Fair and Comprehensive Child Custody Plans


When parents in Colorado divorce, they may work together to create a parenting plan. Once the plan is created, parents will have to file the plan with the state and have it approved by the court. This makes the plan legally enforceable.

A parenting plan will address a number of issues. Of course, it will include a schedule as to when each parent will have parenting time with the child, including holidays and vacations. However, it will also address how the parents will handle decision-making on major life issues involving the child, such as where the child will be educated and what doctor the child will see. Other important issues, such as how the child will be disciplined and when the child will spend time with other relatives can also be addressed in the parenting plan.

Parents need to be able to put their differences aside while creating a parenting plan so they can develop a plan that allows the child to experience a stable childhood. It is also important that any plan devised is fair to each parent and to the child.

Parenting plans need to be clear and comprehensive. However, sometimes a parent's life circumstances change or the child's needs change. When this happens, parents may seek a modification of their parenting plan.

Our firm aims to help our clients navigate the creation of a parenting plan so that the best interests of the child are upheld. We understand that decisions made during the divorce process can be emotional, so it is important for parents to have an advocate who can explain their rights and help ensure an appropriate result is reached. Our child custody webpage may be a good jumping-off point for parents who are divorcing. This information could help a parent make carefully calculated decisions regarding his or her child.

Tags: Child Custody

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