What Are Acceptable Grounds for a Divorce in Colorado?


There seems to be a common misconception by spouses across the nation that divorce papers will "tell the story." However, this could not be further from the truth. As a matter of fact, it is quite the opposite. A divorce complaint is comprised of the standard language. While there was a time when a filer could be specific when stating the grounds for a divorce request, such is no longer the case.

In the state of Colorado, the only grounds for divorce, regardless of the circumstances, is that a marriage is "irretrievably broken." In layman's terms, too much damage has been done, and it just can't be put back together. Colorado is also a no-fault state, meaning that neither spouse is required to prove fault. Previously, when specific grounds for divorce such as adultery, abuse or abandonment were acceptable, the accused may have been expected to prove their innocence.

This also speaks to the common misconception that a spouse can refuse a divorce, thereby holding the other hostage, so to speak. This is not true. Without any objections, a final decree can be entered in a Colorado divorce case 90 days after the initial paperwork is filed with the court. An objection from a non-filing spouse can certainly delay a final order, but cannot stop the inevitable, which is that one spouse has requested and will be granted a divorce. There is no defense that will permanently stop a divorce action.

Spouses who are not in favor of divorce and find themselves grasping at straws to stop the other from filing sometimes attempt to use these defenses as threats. The spouse who wants the divorce, but is not familiar with the laws, may decide that consulting with an attorney would be a waste of time and money since the divorce would not be granted anyway. Do not fall into this trap. If you would like to receive a divorce and move forward with your life apart from a current spouse, schedule a consult with a divorce attorney. He or she will walk you through the process step-by-step, all the while debunking every myth that has been thrown your way. You deserve to be happy.

Tags: Divorce

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